As we grow in to adulthood, many things start to change in our life. Aging is an unavoidable process, beginning at conception and ending with death. The process does not proceed at a uniform rate all over the body. As we age, the organ systems of individuals age at different rates. Our body gradually slows down in early adult life. These changes are not apparent until perhaps 50 years of age as they are not perceptible. The skeletal system gradually changes over the years until it is porous and brittle, as the bones lose calcium and their density. This may be more pronounced in women with menopause. These losses are multifactioral and involve age related changes (reduce CA absorption, increased bone resorptive activity and decreased osteoblast bone formation), physical inactivity, hormone deficiency, and nutritional insufficiencies. As a result, people may become more prone to fractures, notice a decrease in height or even develop a stoop in your posture. It is very important to maintain the balance between the activities of osteoblasts and osteoclast for bone health and strength. In addition, hence, adequate calcium intake and physical activity is important in the elderly in preventing the osteoporosis. Nervous system as people age, their brain can go through natural changes. The brain and spinal cord lose nerve cells and weight. Nerve cells may begin to transmit messages more slowly than in the past. Waste products can collect in the brain tissue as nerve cells break down, causing abnormal structures called plaques and tangles to form. As nerves break down, they can affect the senses. This might have reduced or lost reflexes, awareness of pain, touch, temperature, joint position and vibration sense, leading to problems with movement and safety. Some slight slowing of thought, memory, and thinking seems to be a normal part of aging. The endocrine system has three major hormones, namely sex
As we grow in to adulthood, many things start to change in our life. Aging is an unavoidable process, beginning at conception and ending with death. The process does not proceed at a uniform rate all over the body. As we age, the organ systems of individuals age at different rates. Our body gradually slows down in early adult life. These changes are not apparent until perhaps 50 years of age as they are not perceptible. The skeletal system gradually changes over the years until it is porous and brittle, as the bones lose calcium and their density. This may be more pronounced in women with menopause. These losses are multifactioral and involve age related changes (reduce CA absorption, increased bone resorptive activity and decreased osteoblast bone formation), physical inactivity, hormone deficiency, and nutritional insufficiencies. As a result, people may become more prone to fractures, notice a decrease in height or even develop a stoop in your posture. It is very important to maintain the balance between the activities of osteoblasts and osteoclast for bone health and strength. In addition, hence, adequate calcium intake and physical activity is important in the elderly in preventing the osteoporosis. Nervous system as people age, their brain can go through natural changes. The brain and spinal cord lose nerve cells and weight. Nerve cells may begin to transmit messages more slowly than in the past. Waste products can collect in the brain tissue as nerve cells break down, causing abnormal structures called plaques and tangles to form. As nerves break down, they can affect the senses. This might have reduced or lost reflexes, awareness of pain, touch, temperature, joint position and vibration sense, leading to problems with movement and safety. Some slight slowing of thought, memory, and thinking seems to be a normal part of aging. The endocrine system has three major hormones, namely sex