It’s so important to know why to believe the Bible. Christians base so many arguments and their whole belief system off of what the Bible says. When a Christian is asked why they believe what the Bible says though they are speechless. They can argue with the Bible and make points with Scripture about issues, but when they are asked what makes the bible reliable they don’t know what to say. The majority of people these days don’t think through things. They just believe whatever sounds good without looking into what it is that they are believing! It’s so crucial for Christians to know why they believe the bible! It shows how serious someone is about their faith. Ultimately, it comes down to a matter of life and death. If believe in the Bible that can change where you spend all of eternity. Also, it would affect others eternities as well. If you’re witnessing to someone and you can’t answer when they ask why they should believe the Bible is true, and then they would not believe. The Bible has been proven to be true by historical evidence. There are many reasons to prove Bible is true. There are many opposing arguments as well. Let’s take a look at both!
The Bible is true because it’s a reliable collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses that reported supernatural events that where in fulfillment of prophecy, and the writers claimed that their writings were divine in origin and not of man. There were eyewitnesses that saw God work and wrote down the things that he did! Not only were there eyewitnesses that saw it firsthand but there were eyewitnesses of eyewitnesses! The Bible also states that God spoke the words through the writers that wrote them down. Some might state that using the Bible to defend the Bible is circular reasoning, but at the same time, no one needs to defend the Bible, it can defend