Morgana During The Atomic Bomb blood disorders were one of the many …show more content…
In the text it states “Leukemia is cancer of the body's blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system”. This proves that it's a common disease. Carlos During the dropping of the Atomic Bomb many people were exposed to radiation that came from the bomb that caused many cancers. The most common cases of Cancers were Breast Cancer, Melanoma, and Lung Cancer. Breast Cancer was one of the common cases of cancer that mostly occurred to women. The amount of radiation exposure and depending on the age of the women it would determine how severe their breast cancer was. The amount of exposure from radiation due to The Atomic Bomb caused women to have cells that began to produce rapidly which began to make the cancer begin. The symptoms of Breast Cancer are some kind of a lump on the breast or some kind of mishape on the nipple or breast. Melanoma was another type of cancer that was very common that affected the human's skin. The Atomic Bomb caused lots of ultraviolet radiation to be exposed to lots of humans. Ultraviolet radiation causes skin to get different mutations that happens when DNA is damaged which then makes cells to be created in fast amounts that then creates a tumor …show more content…
Germ cell tumors can be cancerous or noncancerous tumors these tumors usually occur inside the ovary and testis the ovary is located in the pelvis and the testis is located in the scrotum. In the text it states “when ionizing radiation causes DNA damage (mutations) in male or female reproductive (germ) cells, that damage can be transmitted to the next generation” this means that the survivors got DNA damaged by ionized radiation in the reproductive area that can later on damage their kids or grandkids at birth. The cure for germ cell tumors is “unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy followed by combination chemotherapy, second-look laparotomy which is surgery that is done after treatment to see if any tumor cells remain, after that is a clinical trial of a new