In Fabio Rojas’ Black Studies as the Loyal Opposition, he observes how the field of Black studies has transformed since its initial conception; because of administrative interference, most Black studies programs have been forced to adhere to a strict set of guidelines to maintain their legitimacy. Since the 1960s, most programs have become more oriented towards research and training for academia, while other programs have had trouble recruiting Black activists or community leaders as teachers for their department. Rojas frames this critical shifting of Black studies as just one example of the “lengthy stabilization processes” that follow a dramatic social movement which enacts change, although this does not tell us if this process will bode well for the future of Black studies in college.
The changes made to Black studies certainly do compromise their initial political impact; looking at Noliwe Rooks’ White Money/Black Power, we recall that some student protestors called …show more content…
BLM stands not only for the protection and safety of Black people but also for the empowerment of them as a race. In terms of politics, the general sentiments behind the movement are like those expressed by Malcolm X in his “The Ballot or the Bullet” speech: support for nonviolent protest with the acknowledgement that violence may be a necessity, and a general attitude against oppression which focuses on groups which have historically participated in the marginalization of Black Americans. Ironically, BLM would face claims of racism much like Malcolm X did, as the “All Lives Matter” phrase is often used as a rebuttal to BLM that insinuates that the movement only cares about the wellbeing of Black people. As the movement grows to become a national and international cause, these misrepresentations of its meaning will only become more