There are many differing viewpoints on when life actually begins. In order to evaluate these viewpoints, we must define what life is. Life is defined as “The condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating …show more content…
Condic, because the zygote behaves in a completely different manner than either of the originating cells, it is an organism. As we saw from the definition of life, an organism that changes itself has to be alive. It is not possible for an organism to grow and change if it is not infused with life. The human organism changes rapidly, seemingly making itself (Coen). In his book, “The Art of Genes, Enrico Coen poses the question of how an embryo makes itself, following a set of directions from within. One would believe that there has to be a builder, something outside of the organism itself, that is organizing the growth and change. Psalm 139 gives the answer to this, in verse 13 it says “You created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Scripture clearly supports the viewpoint that life begins at conception. The aforementioned verse states that God Himself creates us. Jeremiah 1:5 states again that God forms us in the womb. Luke 1:41 and 44 tells of John the Baptist being alive and aware of the presence of Jesus, while both of them were in the …show more content…
Some Christians use Genesis 2:7 as the basis for this argument. They would say that because God breathed life into Adam, that life is in the breath. Therefore babies are not alive until they breathe. This viewpoint is simply illogical, since babies get their nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord. True they don’t use their lungs, but to say that the physical air is what brings life then what about fish? Are they not alive because they don’t breathe? Finally, that verse pertains to Adam, the only human to be fashioned out of dirt by God Himself. He was created as an adult, and did not experience life in the womb. Therefore, this verse is grossly out of context. Life begins at fertilization, is organized by God Himself, and is sustained by God Himself (Colossians