Final essay
The Best Way to Serve Kimchi
These days many people know kimchi is one of the healthist food in the world. We could find kimchi most of supermarkets around the world. Although people know it, still many people do not know how to serve kimchi well. So, I would like to introduce the best way to serve kimchi as Koreans do. Firstly, the typical way to serve kimchi is with steamed rice, rameyon and BBQ meats. Kimchi is the essential side dish when Korean have meal. It is even compared sambal to Malaysians. Also serve with cool kimchi. That's why Koreans always keep kimchi in refrigerator. Now, whenever you eat something as meal, you may serve Kimchi. They will match perfectly. Secondly, kimchi fried rice(Bokkeumbap) is another common food when Koreans serve kimchi. Specially it is a great way to cook this when you have leftover rice and ripe kimchi. Just add finely chopped Kimchi to the usual your fried rice ingredients. I recommend kimchibokkeumbap to those who never tried to eat kimchi because of kimchi smell. Thirdly, we could serve kimchi stew(Kimchijjigae) is also one of common stew which Koreans like. We use more fermented and ripe Kimchi when we cook this. Sliced kimchi and other ingredients on personal preferences like sausage, tofu and sliced spring onions put into a pot and all boil with water. It accompanied by several side dishes with streamed rice and served boiling hot in a stone pot. Once you try this, you will never forget this flavor. The last one, we could serve kimchi pancake(Kimchijeon). The main ingredients are ripe Kimchi and flour. The way of cooking is almost same when you cook egg omelette. It is usually served as an appetizer, snack or side dish. Kimchijeon is a folk dish that anyone could make easily at home in Korea without extra budget. I suggest to serve kimchijeon when your mood is not good. Your mood will change soon after eating this. I introduced the best way to serve kimchi. Kimchi itself, kimchi fried rice, kimchijjigae and kimchijeon are the most common food when Koreans serve kimchi. I believe these are the most energizing food you have ever experienced.