How true is each of the following characteristics in describing you? Use the five-point scale below:
1 = Not at all true of me; I am almost never this way.
2 = Mostly not true of me; I am rarely this way.
3 = Neither true nor untrue of me; I can’t decide.
4 = Mostly true of me; I am often this way.
5 = Almost always true of me; I am usually this way.
1.__ Imaginative
2.__ Careful
3.__ Sociable
4.__ Softhearted
5.__ Anxious
6.__ Creative
7.__ Reliable
8.__ Talkative
9.__ Trusting
10.__ Temperamental
11.__ Original
12.__ Hardworking
13.__ Fun-loving
14.__ Generous
15.__ Self-conscious
16.__ Curious
17.__ Well-organized
18.__ Outgoing
19.__ Good-natured
20.__ Worrying
21.__ Independent
22.__ Persevering
23.__ Active
24.__ Courteous
25.__ Emotional
26.__ Adventurous
27.__ Dependable
28.__ People-oriented
29.__ Considerate
30.__ Nervous
31.__ Variety-loving
32.__ Responsible
33.__ Gregarious
34.__ Kind
35.__ Highly strung
To compute your score, copy your answers below. Then total the column for each scale. There is a maximum of 35 points for each scale. Interpretation:
Scale O: Openness to Experience. People with high scores are described as adventurous, imaginative, and variety-loving.
Scale C: Conscientiousness. People with high scores are described as well-organized, responsible, and reliable.
Scale E: Extroversion. People with high scores are described as outgoing, sociable, and people-oriented.
Scale A: Agreeableness. People with high scores are described as good-natured, considerate, and kind.
Scale N: Neuroticism. People with high scores are described as anxious, emotional, and highly strung. (Manning 311-312)
Manning, George. The Art of Leadership, 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions, 2009.