What is brain? What is the difference between them? Are they somehow linked or completely different and separate? The small question of linkage of the mind to the brain and therefore also to the body has given rise to a huge dilemma in philosophy that still perplexes philosophers until this very moment. Whether physical things that Descartes will later on describe as extended like our cells, hormones, mind and body are linked to non-physical things like our feelings and minds. This question has given rise to many schools of philosophy each having different views upon it. Mainly, Reductive physicalism, the connection of non-physical things to what happens to us physically and that non-physical things can be explained by physical things , and Non-reductive (Substance) physicalism, non-physical things depend on physical things and non-physical can’t have changes unless the physical things have changed. Also Interactionism which claims that two physical and non-physical things can have an effect on each other and Epiphenomenalism which claims that physical states can give rise to mental states, but mental states can’t effect physical states are two very famous schools for answering the mind-body problem. In this paper, the question issued will be specifically whether the mind is linked to the body or not by viewing different philosophical arguments and their …show more content…
His first principle was that less real cannot cause something that is more real due to having less degree of reality to come up with something more real on its own. Following this principle, a less real thing like a mode which is non-physical cannot cause the existence of a more real thing like substances, physical things. He then claimed that there must not be a direct link between mind and body because both may create different modes that interact together. This may seem as astonishingly weird at first but by further explanation this may seem somehow convincing. Linkage between mind and body does not have to be something physical. Descartes claims in a letter to Mesland dated 9 February 1645, that the soul is “substantially united” with the human body (AT IV 166: CSMK 243). The term substantially united is used to describe the fusion of substantial form (the most perfect reflection of something) and matter to form a perfect substance. In our case here , Descartes views the mind as a substantial form and claims in his Fourth Replies , for the mind with the body: if the mind is taken it is a complete thinking thing and the body as it is an extended thing is complete but each if taken separately are an incomplete human-being. Moreover, a modern philosopher named Saul Kripke supported Descartes arguments by the mind-brain identity theory in