Comparative Analysis of
Financial Reports
Prepared by
Yang Yu
Jianyang Zhang
Professor C.E. Reese in partial fulfillment for the requirements for
ACC 770 – Managerial Accounting
School of Business / Graduate Studies
St. Thomas University
Miami Gardens, Fla.
Term A7 / Fall, 2014
November 12, 2014
Table of Contents
Issue 3
Facts 3
Analysis 4-6
Conclusion 7-9
A. What would you tell Bates concerning her accounting needs, emphasizing the uses of the accounting information for all stakeholders within and without the business?
A. The boatyard operates how many businesses?
b. What are the accounting information needs for managing these businesses?
The case revolves around …show more content…
She needs to understand that she was involved in this moment so many different businesses, she really is the only one who is certain for the control and management of all enterprises. She either adopt or hire someone how to use accounting background, advised her and collect the necessary data in order to use it correctly and make the right decisions, management accounting something right intensives classes. In addition, since she started her business, she wanted to learn, she was involved in the first, before she was doing to invest more money or expand their business any further decisions in the industry. At the same time, she should try to concentrate when a business to make sure everything is processed it should be so, because she can begin to earn a profit as soon as possible. Finally, she needs to understand, because she borrow money, she would need to begin to adjust their financial situation and improve profits, to meet all of her obligations, will be coming …show more content…
Product cost is an important indicator of a comprehensive reflection of enterprise production and business activities. Correct costing, Bates can assess the cost of production and operation expenditure levels, and determine the basis for the company's profits and losses as well as on the development of product prices. And for enterprises conduct business decisions providing important