Ezekiel’s name is “God strengthens,” or “May God strengthen me.” Ezekiel, the son of Buzi the priest, was born approximately in 623 B.C. in Jerusalem and lived during the Babylonian captivity (Constable). He was taken captive around 597 B.C. with Jehoiachin. Jehoiachin, the King of Judah was eighteen at the time of exile and had been the King of Jerusalem for three months (ESV 1496). King Nebuchadnezzar exiled thousands of citizens …show more content…
including Jehoiachin and Ezekiel to the Chebar canal located near ancient Nippur, which in modern day Iraq is between Baghdad and Basra.
The Lord called Ezekiel into ministry in 593 B.C. when he was only thirty years old (Constable). He continued to prophesize until 571 when he was about fifty-two years old. His messages were received by the nation of Israel during a turning point in their history (ESV 1497). Throughout the twenty years that Ezekiel ministered, five main themes arose throughout his book. To begin with, the book of Ezekiel mainly focuses on the holiness of God and the sins of God’s people (ESV 1496). Since Ezekiel was a priest, he was very concerned with keeping God’s people pure and consequently purity can be found on almost every page. Secondly, Ezekiel points out that God is supreme over all nations and not just Israel (ESV 1467). This message is very important at the time of Ezekiel’s ministering since Israel has been taken captive by Babylon. His message shows that all nations are under God’s hand for God’s mighty purpose. Next, Ezekiel defines that God’s people must live holy lives individually and as a community. Ezekiel describes how a community can live pure and how individuals can be pure in chapter 18 of his book. Also, the theme of judgment and false hope is throughout his entire book. Ezekiel clearly points out that by having true hope in God, one can accept judgment. Finally, Ezekiel points to a future king to come, also known as Jesus who will rule justly and make a connection between God and his people. All five of these themes are strung throughout the entire book of Ezekiel.
Ezekiel has great influence on both Christianity and Judaism (“Ezekiel”). Ezekiel is credited for his concept of Israel as a sacred and exclusive nation, and is also responsible for the profound belief of a coming Messiah. He was the first major Hebrew prophet to address the consequences of not following God. He addresses that people who disobey Him and explains that they will be punished. Examples of this punishment can be seen in the exile and the destruction of the Temple. Not only did Ezekiel prophecies impact Christianity, but his themes impacted Judaism as well.
To begin with, Ezekiel had some very unusual visions and dreams when God began to speak to him. One of his visions is of the fours wheels that can be found in Ezekiel 1 (“Wheels”). This vision focuses on the omnipresence and omniscient qualities of God. The wheels were associated with the “four living creatures” or cherubim, angelic that were appointed as guardians of the holiness of God. The wheels had a yellow-green or brownish color, with a topaz or other precious stone and the outer rims of the wheels were described as high and awesome with eyes on the outer edge. Each wheel was two in one with one set inside and the other one at right angles, which allows the “creature” to move in any direction without having to turn. These wheels looked like flashes of lightning whenever they moved. The spirits of living creatures were in the wheels; therefore, the creatures could move in any direction the wheels moved. Most scholars believe that the Spirit of God directs the wheels to move in the direction that they go through knowledge and access to God. The wheels mobility is related to God’s omnipresence, the eyes on the wheel as his omniscience and the elevation of the wheels as his omnipotence. The Biblical interpretation of this vision is that God is majestic and is still on His Chariot throne. This vision came at a perfect time since they Israelites were in captivity so God was demonstrating to them that He still is on the throne to handle any situation.
Another one of Ezekiel’s strange visions happens to be the Vision of Dry Bones, which in found in Ezekiel 37 (ESV 1559). God transports Ezekiel in a vision to a valley full of dry bones and directs him to speak to the bones (“Valley”). God told him to tell the bones that God would make breath enter the bones and they would come to life, just as in the creation of Adam in Genesis 2. Ezekiel obeyed and the once he spoke the bones came together, flesh developed, skin covered the flesh and bones, breath entered the newly formed bodies, and they stood together in a vast army. The dead bones were a vision to symbolize the people of Israel who were in a state of living death. The breath of fresh air symbolizes that God still has a plan for the nation of Israel and that the revival of Israel will be by God’s power and not the peoples. The bones being put together shows that God will not only restore people physically but he also will emotionally when he fulfills this prophecy. The prophecy will be fulfilled when God gathers the believing Israelites to the land and Christ returns to establish His Millennial Kingdom.
Next, Ezekiel’s book and John’s writings of Revelation match up perfectly as if they were the same book written by the same author (ESV 2453).
Both of these books directly address the destruction of Jerusalem, God’s return, and God’s New Jerusalem. Most of Ezekiel’s visions parallel with a vision in Revelations. Some of these include Ezekiel’s vision in chapter 1:5-14 (De Vries). Ezekiel sees in a vision four living creatures that include a man, eagle, ox, and lion. These creatures are the exact same that are found in Revelation 4. Also, the throne described in Ezekiel 11:26-28 was to have an appearance as a bow. Likewise in Revelations 4:1-5 John states that there was a rainbow around the throne. Both of these are not conciseness. Also, the New Jerusalem in referenced in both Revelation 21 and Ezekiel 40-48 along with the vision of the River of Life that is found in Ezekiel 47 and Revelation 22. God perfectly crafted that Ezekiel would prophesize the same things that John would for His
Finally, Ezekiel makes a few prophecies towards the coming Messiah or Jesus (Kaiser). In Ezekiel 34:23-24, Ezekiel states that a shepherd will come and that even the Messiah will be over God’s servant David. This prophecy is completed in Mathew 1:1 when Matthew states the awaited Messiah finally comes to earth. Also, in Ezekiel 17:22-24, Ezekiel states that the Messiah will come from “high cedar” which is also a representation of the lineage line from David. The prophecy that Jesus will be from David’s legacy is fulfilled in Luke 3:23-31 where it is stated that Jesus is of the legacy of God’s servant David.
Ezekiel’s legacy and prophesies can be used to help guide God’s people throughout their life and towards repentance. His visions of God’s restoration of the new Temple inspire and give hope to God’s people who at the time were being taken captive by the Babylonians. Ezekiel’s themes are those that first bring destruction to those that have sin but later bring upon an even greater Kingdom for the Glory of God. Throughout Ezekiel there are many references to the New Testament, interesting prophecies, and incredible messages.