INTERVIEWER: So Michael tell me what are your views on the global village and do you see it as a positive or a negative thing?
MICHAEL: The film explores many issues, however one of the central ideas is regarding the global village and the impact positive and negative on the individual. As you know we live in an amazingly technological age, one where the traditional boarders are dissolving. Never before have we been able to travel and communicate so freely and easily. Once we were born and died in our own “village” or community and May never have had access to the wider world. Now we have communication like the internet, computers, fax mobile phones, world news and pod casts international travel is quick and easily accessible to the average person and this has changed our world, so we now live in the global village, where the majority of the world is based on the large companies leaving the little ones to rot.
INTERVIEWER: I totally agree Michael, our world today sure has changed, can you explain to us the pros and cons of this and how they do relate to the film?
MICHAEL: The pros of this new world is that we have access to information, goods, travel ext