When discussing communication phenomena it’s helpful to first define it. Communication is defined as the exchange of thoughts, messages or information by speech, signals, writing or behavior. (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2013) A phenomena is defined as a fact, occurrence or circumstance observed or observable that is also remarkable or extraordinary. It is acceptable then to say a definition of communication phenomena is the exchange of thoughts and ideas that are observable or observed and takes place in remarkable or rc
There isn’t a more powerful example of a communication phenomenon in modern times than the sociocultural evolution that has been brought on by the advent of the mobile telephone. Beginning with the bulky, primitive models of the past and continuing on with todays advanced smartphones, this communication phenomenon has not only had a significant impact on the urban lifestyle, it has also reshaped the urban landscape.
Small group communication, a subfield within the broad field of communication, has been changed significantly in large urban cities because of the mobile telephone. In the times before that technology was available, it was a challenge for an individual to acquire basic information such as the location of the closest bus stop that is still operating in the direction they need to go or even what time the next bus will arrive. This difficulty was amplified if the individual was alone and could not find anyone else to ask, as commonly happens during the late night & early morning hours.
Equipped with a data enabled smartphone, an individual simply loads an application or visits a mobile website to find out the basic information they wanted. Additionally, detailed information is available such as GPS map and navigation data, weather information along the route or even if a particular store along the way has something they are interested in on sale. Even if an individual doesn’t have a complex