One quantitative research was on the diagnoses of bipolar disorder in pre-pubescent. Assessment included a four-year potential study of 86 pre-pubescent and early adolescent children who possess bipolar symptoms (Kowatch, 2005). The participants were assessed over a six-month basis over a period of four years by a trained analyst using the Washington University Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children (Kowatch, 2005).This research uses questionnaires and provides two tables, one consists of treatment and the other one consists of other disorders similar to bipolar disorder. The reason this research is a quantitative research is because it contains 86 participants and it possess a hypothesis. Hypothesis is if children are diagnosed with bipolar disorder early, they will decrease or exclude numerous undesirable effects related with this disorder (Kowatch,…
Emotionally children can suffer from trauma. They may begin to lose self worth and don’t believe in themselves so they give up or start to believe what others are saying.…
Depression is caused by so many things. Anti-depressants can help, but that is not the only thing you can try. They're many other ways such as; reach out to other people, find you a good listener and sit them down and talk their head off if that is what it takes, get up and moving, if you are down and out about something, laying in bed isn't going to help solve your problems, get some exercise in and boost your diet to give you some…
The rate of depression and generalized anxiety disorder in females’ significantly increases between the ages of 12 and 15 (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2015; Vasey & Bosmans, 2014). Although youth are experiencing increasing…
As children get older they will need more help talking through issues and reflecting on thoughts.…
“All you optimists out there can wipe that smile off your face right now. Being miserable is the key to a longer life, says one of the most extensive studies of its type ever undertaken. Psychologists found that the most cheerful individuals, with the best sense of humour, die earlier on average than their counterparts with the set jaw and furrowed brow.The researchers also discovered that the happy souls went on to take more gambles with their health over the years. They were more likely to drink, smoke and eat badly.” (Daily Mail)…
Antidepressants are generally all the name says, drugs used to treat depression.The antidepressants are drugs that minimizes the symptoms that are related to depression. It’s a perfect balance of chemicals that are often called trigger drugs. The medicine treats the symptoms by using chemical imbalances of the neurotransmitters located in the brain to send correcting signals. To completely understand how antidepressants work you must understand the reason of why they were created and what are the factors that they are trying to work against. The chemicals in the antidepressants send a signal to the brain that that triggers something inside of the human that makes them want to get up and get active which leds to them being more active and more sociable.…
Bipolar disorder can strike at any age but most commonly strikes at age 18 in bipolar I; for bipolar II disorder, the age is 22 (Durand and Barlow 189). It has also been found that children can be seen with bipolar disorder early on. This is not very prevalent, and is only one in every 200 cases. This is thought to occur because many children with manic depression might…
People taking Antidepressants ages 12 and up has increased by 400% since 1988 ("Astounding increase in antidepressant use by Americans.").In recent research it is said that "1 in every 10 Americans takes an antidepressant" from 2005- 2008 antidepressants were the third most used prescription drug taken in America("Astounding increase in antidepressant use by Americans."). "Women are two and half times more likely to take an antidepressant" Women that are ages 40-50 are 23% more likely to take an Antidepressant this percentage is higher than any other age or sex ("Astounding increase in antidepressant use by Americans."). They are probably more likely to take an antidepressant because they are going through menopause at these ages. Now only 14% of white Americans men and women take an antidepressant compared to the 4% of black Americans and only the 3% of Spanish Americans("Astounding increase in antidepressant use by Americans."). One-third or less of the people living in the united states that take an antidepressant have actually seen a mental health professional. That means everything higher than one-third Americans are taking an antidepressant just because their doctor put them on it or they are taking it without being prescribed it. Many mental health professionals are stating that everyone taking an antidepressant is good because depression…
Depression is the most common mental disorder, not only for adults, but for children and teenagers as well. The DSM-IV classifies depression as a mood disorder. It states that an individual has suffered a “major depressive episode” if certain symptoms persist for at least two weeks, including a loss of enjoyment in previously pleasurable activities, a sad or irritable mood, a significant change in weight or appetite, problems sleeping or concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness. These symptoms of depression fall into four categories: mood, cognitive, behavioral, and physical. Depression affects how individuals feel, think, behave, and how their bodies work. People with depression may experience symptoms in any or all of the categories, depending on personal characteristics and the severity of the depression. Although depression is usually first noticed during the teen or early adult years, a person can have an episode of depression at any age. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is estimated to be 2% in children and 6% in adolescents and up to 25% of adults age >60 experience MDD, dysthymic disorder, or “minor” depression. Although diagnosis and treatment of major depressive disorder is similar among all patients, its symptoms and course may be atypical in children, adolescents, and older adults. Awareness of these varying clinical manifestations can facilitate early recognition and treatment. Although diagnosis and treatment of depression is similar regardless of a patient’s age, younger and older patients may not exhibit typical depressive symptoms.…
All children have clear rights to learn and develop into adults, and be protected from harm. Through exploring new experiences and making choices, children learn and develop the skills necessary to support them into their adult life’s, however children do not always have the skills and judgements that allows them to make safe choices and decisions.…
“Instead of seeing depression as a dysfunction,it is a functioning phenomenon.It stops you cold,sets you down and makes you miserable¨.(James Hileman). Teen depression is a serious mental health problem that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities. Some issues that persist to affect it include peer pressure, academic expectations and body changes these things can bring a lot of ups and downs for some those feelings stay longer than others some of those feelings are not temporary. While depression can be temporary the responses to it vary upon the situational stressors including maturation, hormonal changes and independence, Conflicts with parents and school can also be one of these situational stressors. It affects how you will think,feel,behaves, and it can cause emotional, functional and physical problems.…
When it comes to depression not all reactions are the same. Research has shown that teens are more likely to exhibit increased irritability, aggressiveness or destructive behavior more so than that found in younger children. Depression in adults is more of an encompassing sadness, and affects them in ways similar to those in children and teens, Many adults tend to handle depression better than. Although, studies cannot prove this. There are everyday circumstances that can influence behavior in children and contribute to depression. Things such as feeling like they don’t fit in or feeling worthless. These feelings can lead to drug and alcohol abuse, violence and even suicide. A hypothesis on depression shows that depression is thought to be caused by an influence of chemicals called neurotransmitters that send messages between nerve cells in the brain. If these mood-influencing chemicals get out of balance, depression or other…
Antidepressants are one way people can contest depression. All antidepressants work by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. This may be so, however antidepressants work differently and achieve different effects depending on the chemical composition of the antidepressant, which determines which neurotransmitter is affected. There are many types of antidepressants, including tricyclics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Some side effects of depressant relieving drugs can cause heart problems, weight problems, and even raise the risk of suicide in adolescents. Antidepressants are not the only way to relieve depression. Diet, exercise, and psychotherapy can also help alleviate depression. However, not all people can have or attain access to antidepressants. Suicide is a deadly effect of depression. This may be so, however it is possible to prevent this deadly effect. There are many strategies that have been conceived to help prevent a person from committing suicide. Identifying certain signs suicidal people give and intervening before behaviors escalate is one strategy that health professionals have formulated, Outward expressions of depression and suicidal thoughts are some of the most common signs that a person is thinking of, or is going to, commit suicide. However, not all people…
A baby’s brain is like a lantern; it is vaguely aware of everything. Children have more neurons actively working than adults because the brain provides too many connections before it decides which ones to keep. This means that children are overly sensitive to stimuli in their environment. Children will absorb information from any environment that they are placed in: school, home, or on the streets. If a child is exposed to negative stimuli, the risk of future psychological defects is increased exponentially. It can be argued that children should learn for themselves about negative and sensitive information because it is the guidelines for the rest of their lives, however, young children should be taught about adult concepts such as sex and…