Today, many use their cell phones for just about anything and everything including; texting, talking, and connecting with the rest of the world through social media. Cell phones have become a natural way of life to where Americans pick up their phones and use them like second nature. However, the dangers present themselves when many get behind the wheel of their cars and carry the habits of cell phone addictions with them. If all states ban the use of cell phones while driving, then there would be a reduction in the number of fatalities each year. Texting and driving according to the National Safety Council, is responsible for 1.6 million accidents per year and 11 teen deaths …show more content…
Although, many have the perception that they are able to multi-task while driving, however the proof is in the statistics. These are tasks that can be addressed once their destination is safely reached. Most people know that the usage of cell phones while driving is a dangerous thing to do, but there’s a disconnect, says Arthur Goodwin, a senior research associate at the University of North Carolina’s Highway Safety Research Center. “They think they can do it safely this one time, but “it’s one of the major challenges” (Halloran, …show more content…
Currently, nine states including Washington D.C and the Virgin Islands have banned drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving. However, not all states have completely banned all cell phone use; thirty states and Washington D.C. have banned cell phone use by new drivers and teen drivers. Furthermore, another thirty-five states, Washington D.C., and Guam, have banned texting while driving. Although many cities have passed distracted driving bans, there are some states that refuse to enact those laws including; Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, and Oklahoma. Opponents would agree that the more states banning distracted driving laws, the more safe our roadways will be (Albanesius,