
The Day-Age Theory And The Boundaries Of Creation

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The Day-Age Theory And The Boundaries Of Creation
When the Bible speaks of creation it simply declares that God spoke the world into existence. Over the years man has theorized variations of the creation teaching instead of trusting the Holy Spirit’s statements of creation.
The “day-age theory” actually links the creation with evolution. In this theory the day is not literal but figurative, thereby allowing for long period of time for each day. This would allow the humanistic theory of evolution to be inserted into the creation story. This theory is flawed. The Genesis writer sets boundaries by including the phrase “evening and morning.” Over 200 times the phrase “evening and morning” are found and in all cases it refers to a literal day. Therefore, to assert the “day-age theory” into the
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This theory allows an undetermined period of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 to explain the false old earth theory. Those who espouse this theory suggest that angelic creatures and Lucifer were the first beings living on the earth. Some even include pre-Adamite men.2 The problem is that there is no geological evidence that supports this false theory. Additionally, Genesis 1:31 states that God saw His
1 Scientific Creationism, Institute for Creation Research, San Diego, California, July 1974, pages 221-224
2 Dispensational Truth, Clarence Larkin, Rev. Clarence Larkin Est., P.O. Box 334, Glenside, PA 19038, Pages 22-24
Owen – 2 creation and that all was good. The Gap Theory says Satan had already fallen and contaminated creation. Satan must have fallen after the sixth day of creation, because all of creation was complete and good. That eliminates survival of the fittest, natural selection “improving” animals, and so forth. This theory is not consistent with proper methods of interpretation, scientific evidence, and it lacks credibility and it stands in contrast with Genesis 1:31 and biblical teachings. How could God say everything was good if Satan had already fallen? He could not. Therefore, this theory is
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In this theory, God took six days to reveal to Moses the creation story. This false theory teaches that the creation story was given to Moses in six days, but that does not mean the creation was in six days. This says that Moses was so mistaken by what God revealed to him that he wrote it as if it were six literal days instead of long periods of time. However, God told Moses, “Write thou these words” in Exodus 34:27. God did not say to Moses, “Moses, sit down and listen. During the first millions of years, I created the heaven and the earth.” Then the next day, “OK Moses, now let’s see what I did during the next millions of years.” No! God told Moses what to write. God revealed to Moses the six literal (24 hour) days of creation. Moses wrote it correctly for 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.”4 Steven L. Ross in this online article, “The Seven Days of Revelation Theory” says that the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire supports the idea of one day, not

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