Constructive feedback is a form of feedback which is helpful and supportive. It is motivational in that it neither gives false descriptions of a learner’s ability nor does it destroy their self-esteem, but aims to develop and fine-tune skills.
Giving constructive feedback is crucial; without it learners cannot learn (Rogers, 2004). When used to emphasise progress rather than failure, it motivates learners, building confidence and enabling them to recognise mistakes as part of a process that brings them closer to their learning goals. It can help both teacher and student to identify further learning opportunities or action to be taken. Feedback comes in variety sources, direct or indirect. Direct feedback is self-assessment, peer assessment, performance assessment and student feedback. Indirect feedback is diaries and logs, action research and personal development planners. The feedback given to individuals will differ as students take and respond to feedback in different ways.What methods of feedback are there? Consider praise-criticism-praise and medal-and-mission Also consider individual needs.
Feedback can be formal, such as after marking an assignment or observing practice, or given informally during a lesson (Gravells, 2012.) Feedback is part of the learning process, it tells the learner how they are doing. The quality of feedback is an important as the quality of the teaching. There are two types of effective feedback. The praise and criticism model which is based on personal judgements and the constructive model which is objective. Feedback is a good way on helping students improve and motivate this can be done in a form of tutorial’s and asking students questions and getting answers. consider also how feedback can be given e.g. in a tutorial, question and answer It can also be written or verbal.