Having children is crucial choice; taking responsibility requires stress and pressure. It is like opening a business, it needs to be ready to carry the big responsibility and taking over the consequences and considering the profit and loss. That needs to be ready to carry the responsibility, making personal sacrifices and forgo one’s time. Parent’s responsibility for raising children is to learn about it before starting the journey. It is a big cooperation! Parents will be busy like bee, they need to learn a good time management skills. By participating workshops, reading some books, or visiting specialised people they geared up to for the mission. Children need from adult to be well financially provider. Moreover, there will be huge commitment from both parents to share chores and obligations towards their dependent.
Planning for having children is force people to make some personal sacrifices. For example, some of people dreams to be a flight attendant, child in early age needs much time. In addition, need to give the appropriate care. If couples decide to have a baby and they are still students this will affect their concentration and their academic level.
Taking care of children need time and money. Flexible work schedule it’s a must. Need to maintain big time for activities, doctor appointments, vaccinations and schools follow up. Raising children require having money to spend on activities toys clothes education and vacations. Parents obligated with spending lots of time for the baby stage till the junior high stage. Baby stage need to feed to be there for them whenever they want. at this stage children control your schedule . Moving forward to toddler stage they need parents to tell a story spend time to play. Driving them to activities help them and support them emotionally and