Looking at the history of the organisation, it has come a long way since 1979 in developing its brand, reputation and presence in the market. However, with a number of factors outside their control, the main issues that the organisation faces are: * Reduced funding from sponsors, organisations and trustees which is a result from the dip in the economy and organisations are faced with the reality to reduce costs * Strategic partnerships currently in place need to be re-evaluated based on the market conditions that impact that organisation, for instance, ACSA and Eskom, both of which are tremendous pressures to cut costs and become lean * Other NGO and NPOs are also targeting the same base of sponsors as EWT and with EWT’s increasing inability to differentiate themselves for competitors such as the World Wildlife Foundation, they may lose funding to their competitors * Ethical Issues arising from “Green-washing”, where organisations that do harm to the environment try and use the EWT to “fix” their mistakes, but put a “spin” on the story that would enhance the reputation and brand of the company. Accepting monies from organisations that are deemed to be “Green-washing” will have a high negative impact and will most likely put the brand as serious risk
In an attempt to prevent the organisation from losing its footing and losing over two decades of hard work and making an impact on earth, I strongly believe that the following can be done in order to ensure longevity of the organisation: * Develop strategic partnerships with companies that are identified as the contributors to the deterioration of the eco system. In doing so, the EWT