There is a saying in the 21st century that if you educate a boy, you educate a boy, but if you educate a girl, you educate a village. From religious backings to socio-economic factors girls around the world are fighting for their rights to an education. They are not only fighting for their right to an education but for their lives, a brighter future. It is surprising that in the 21st century, girls are still fighting for the right to a proper education. While in most parts of the world girls are allowed without issue to study and attend everything from first grade to a higher level of education, the fight for equal education rights for young girls in the Middle East and Asia, due religious and cultural factors rages on.
Women’s education allows these women to become less likely to be prone to sexual abuse, and more likely to encourage other girls to obtain an education. These young girls are being shipped off as child brides before they are ever allowed a chance for education. Girls who learn how to read and write often have a higher life expectancy, a higher chance of using birth control and a greater chance of not becoming child brides due to their devotion to their studies. It is important to educate girls to continue a cycle of female empowerment because without which, many of these girls are prone to abuse, both physical and sexual and need education to rise above it. Sadly, value on girls in some third world countries is significantly less than other places in the world. In third world countries, especially those dominated by a religious backing, such as the Iraq and Afghanistan, women enjoy even less freedom than they do in the United States. Lack of proper care for girls who have reached the age of 12 and over is a huge factor as to absences in schools, and often a girl falls too far behind due to this, and drops out as a result. These issues are more prevalent