Customers express their views related to products by providing feedbacks running under the function of marketing research feedback sessions. The company has regular meetings with dealers and importers through their sales and marketing operations. It is required for giving as well as receiving sustainability feedback along with other related issues. This strategy focuses upon the aspect of advancing knowledge.
Jaguar Land Rover is engaged with various NGOs for sharing their strategy along with their views. The company is a regular member of the Future Form and it is associated with different NGOs since 2000. This Forum is more of a critical friend to the company that assists in developing the sustainability …show more content…
Here, NGOs create carbon reduction strategies so that industries implement them for the overall sustainable development. On the other hand, industry organizations want to deal with these issues in their own manner. They have their own justification in the form of their manufacturing expertise where they know the level of carbon emissions and control it accordingly by mending their processes subtly. Jaguar Land Rover deals with these issues by collaborating Form for the Future and Carbon Disclosure Project. Both these projects are quite big in their scopes but their union can definitely prove to be a boon for the futuristic scope of the sustainability (Jaguar Land Rover Sustainability Report 2012/13,