
The Four Miracles Of Jesus In The Gospel Of Mark

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The Four Miracles Of Jesus In The Gospel Of Mark
Throughout the Gospel of Mark, Jesus implemented a series of 4 different types of miracles. The 4 types of miracles Jesus performed were exorcisms, nature miracles, healings, and raising from the dead (life and death) miracles. After all his miracles, Jesus would perform the "messianic secret". The "messianic secret" is Jesus' practice of telling anyone who recognized his true identity to keep it a secret. Through the many works and miracles Jesus performs, there are many examples of him also performing the "messianic secret" in the Gospel of Mark.
When Jesus performed His first exorcism a demon was the first to see Him for His true identity as the Son of God. On the Sabbath, Jesus came to Capernaum where He taught in the synagogue. There the people were amazed by Jesus for He taught them a different perspective of authority than how the scribes taught it. In the synagogue, there was a man who was controlled by a demon who came up to Jesus saying, " What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are — the Holy One of God!" (Mk 1:24 NAB) Immediately once this was said Jesus rebuked him and said, "Quiet! Come out of him!" (Mk 1:25). After this was said the spirit let out a loud cry and left the man. People were in awe when they saw this and eventually news about Him and His works spread
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Jesus did what the man had begged by reaching out His hand and touching him. The leprosy had left the man instantly and he was clean. After the healing was performed and finished, Jesus warned the man sternly saying, "See that you tell no one anything, but go, show yourself to a priest and offer your cleansing what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them" (Mk 1:44). Not listening, the man went away and told people about Jesus and the healing He had performed on him. This report made it impossible for Jesus to enter a town without being crowded by mobs of

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