
The Secret Gospel Of Mark

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The Secret Gospel Of Mark
The Secret Gospel of Mark was apparently written before the canonical Gospels. The fragment preserved from Secret Mark mentions Jesus raising a young man from the dead. This text is found in the supposed letter of Clement of Alexandria, but there is only one surviving copy, which questions the validity of the source. In 1935, four fragments of papyrus of a previously unknown Gospel were published. In this text, Jesus was described as cleansing a leper that seemed similar to the story told in Mark 1.40-44. Paul is the earliest known writer of Christian texts. He does not connect miracles to Jesus, but he does recognize the performance of miracles as a part of Christian mission and ministry and claims to perform some himself. This could prove that this tradition and possibility of miracles occurred because of its founder, Jesus. Paul mentions miracles ‘as signs of a true apostle’ and ‘among the gifts …show more content…
As portrayed in the Gospels and by Josephus, exorcism is a procedure that dealt with casting a demon out of a human. In Matthew 15, a Canaanite woman cried out to Jesus about her demon-possessed daughter that was suffering. She proved that she had great faith and Jesus healed her daughter in front of the woman’s eyes. In Mark 5, Luke 8, and Matthew 8, Jesus restores a demon-possessed man. The demon stated his name was Legion, and knew exactly who Jesus was. Legion had taken over the man and begged Jesus not to torture him. Jesus sent the demon into the herd of pigs and commanded that the man tell everyone how much God has done for him. This is important to note because Jesus did not want to take the credit for the miracle he performed, but wanted more people to believe in God and his abilities. Verses from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke show how Jesus casts out demons by the power of God. This displays that he is not as much concerned about his fame or reputation in society during his time on

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