October 26, 2011
BUIS 1200
The Fred Factor
In The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary, Mark Sanborn, a motivational speaker and the author of the book, tells the story of Fred. Fred is a mailman that Sanborn met in his home town of Denver, Colorado. However, this was no ordinary mailman. Fred always went the extra mile to serve, connect, and befriend all of his customers. Sanborn was astounded by everything Fred did for him to make sure his mail was delivered the most convenient way possible. Sanborn looked at what defined Fred and came up with four principles; success is built on relationships, everyone makes a difference, you can reinvent yourself regularly, and you must continually create value for others.
This book at its core is about teaching the reader how to be more like Fred in their everyday activities as well as their professional careers. Sanborn gives many examples of “Freds” he has encountered and he gives the reader a good idea of what it means to be a Fred. Sanborn goes on to lay out what a Fred is, how to become a Fred, and how to develop other Freds. The book was very easy to follow which made understanding what a Fred is very simple.
I can relate to this book in a very positive way. Sanborn’s Fred principles made me take a step back and realize if I apply some of the principles and ideas talked about in this book I will have greater successes in school and in life itself. The Fred Factor talks about doing more than what is necessary to just get by. Right now I am doing well in my classes, and I am learning what I need to know to make preferable grades on my tests. If I really start to apply myself and learn not only what I need to know for the tests but how to apply this knowledge when I get out into the real world, my time in school will become much more valuable. One of the four Fred principles is that success is built on relationships. After reading this book I have