In order to have a great theatrical piece the plot must also be at the same level. Although the acting raised some eyebrows the plot was really interesting and kept the whole experience enjoyable. The plot was comical and thrilling at the same time. For the most part, it was easy to follow, and it even took a few unexpected turns. The script also played a role in the plot, and from the plot the script seemed well written because the plot was kept the audience involved throughout the running time of the piece.
Similarly, the actors are a part of what made the whole experience enjoyable, because if they were terrible at acting the experience would probably be … terrible. However, the actors weren’t all that great, but not awful either. The only part that was …show more content…
In The Game’s afoot the set was well constructed. The set designer did a really great job and paid attention to the details, and it’s pleasing to see how it turned out. Throughout the plot when the actors would leave to other rooms or outside through the French doors the next room can kind of be seen. The whole room wasn’t showed but there was still a piece of the wall showing the same paint color and molding and that was really nice to see. It looked like a living room and that’s important when trying to understand. Everything in the set had a purpose, for example, the furniture. Every piece of furniture was used and every piece seemed to work too. Sets like the one used in The Games afoot are to some, more enjoyable. Sets, where there are things like walls moving to show that they are in a different room, are distracting and they look sloppy, especially to certain