The gender pay gap is present in developed countries. In the USA for example, if a Man and a Woman attend a university and do the same major and pick the same kind of job on average the woman will earn 82 cents to every dollar that a man earns according to a study taken out by the American Association of University Women. In New Zealand the pay gap was 12 percent in 2016 but has reduced since 1998 (16.3 percent) but has slowed down in the last decade. This means that women get paid 12 percent less than men if they were doing the same job. The gender pay gap is present throughout the USA and New Zealand. …show more content…
According to a new study from Census Bureau data, the average woman can expect to lose out on nearly $500,000 in earnings over the course of her career. This pay gap particular affects single woman for families with only a single source of income from the woman. There should be no gap in the pay between men and women because if they were doing the same job they will be putting in the same amount of effort and time into the job with the same knowledge. This is very unfair to women because it is not equal and right to not pay people the same amount of wage which both genders equally work for. If women were paid as much as men, poverty among working single mothers would fall by a third or