In the story, Jonas receives memories, some jubilant, and some melancholy. In the end of the story Jonas is sent on a quest by The Giver to escape to elsewhere allowing the memories to run loose from Jonas’s mind and escape into the community and cross the boundary of memory. In this story “The Giver” by Lois Lowry, Jonas escapes to elsewhere and shares all of his given memories with the other members of the community. …show more content…
In the story Jonas and The Giver make a plan on how Jonas will escape and what The Giver will say and do once the community realizes that he is missing.
However plans change abruptly when Jonas learns that the new child, that has been with his family for weeks, is too weak to survive, and will be released the next morning. This abrupt change of plans show that Jonas is very much awake and aware of his surroundings, and he can still make decisions according to the information that he has been given. Jonas’s need to escape to elsewhere increases when he discovers the fate of Gabriel, the new child. He still lacks the memories of courage and strength that the Giver had promised him to help him fulfill his duties and reach elsewhere. Yet he is showing that he is quite
On Jonas’s journey to escape past the boundary of memories, he is faced with a cold, snowy, winter climate. Something that Jonas is not used to. He has to use all of his strength to keep baby Gabriel alive, and himself. Jonas is struggling to stay awake, yet he is still awake, he is struggling to keep his eyes wide open, yet he stares straight ahead. He was losing consciousness but he was still conscious. These descriptors of Jonas all say that he is alive. Scantily, but alive. He hugs baby Gabriel in hopes that he will warm him up to keep the baby alive as well. The cold climate shows that Jonas is far from his community and close to elsewhere. Long ago his community got rid of the cold climate because of many reasons relating to travel and climate change.
In the very last pages of the book, Jonas experiences a memory of sliding, a memory that The Giver gave to Jonas, in this memory he finds a sled and he begins to slide down the hill with Gabe. He sees a tiny little house at the end of the his path. There is an abundance of sensory detail showing that Jonas and Gabriel are conscious and recalling the memory that The Giver had once given Jonas. The book also gives you a sense of his journey being complete, he could see the boundary of memory. The ending to the novel, “The Giver” by Lois Lowry, is satisfying and fits the story.
In conclusion, Jonas completes his journey to elsewhere, fully conscious, and allows for memories to be shared by crossing the boundary of all memory. Although the author leaves the ending of this story very open, after reading you decide you want the best for Jonas, leaving you to put together all of the evidence I have shared, and coming to the final decision that he completed his journey.