The symptoms to look for include negativity in more than one place, and whether the child is developing an abnormal personality. ADHD often has three common causes. The first cause is genetics. Genetics can alter a child's possibility of obtaining ADHD from a parent or possibly both parents. The second cause is from the environment. The more children are exposed to certain things, the more likely they are to develop ADHD. The third cause is development. If the child's nervous system does not develop correctly, they could develop ADHD. In my classroom, I have one child that has a very short attention span, follows lead with kids who misbehave, and has a lot of energy. I can tell him to sit on his square, begin my lesson and him be nowhere in sight, two seconds later. He runs around the classroom, expelling energy, but it is never violent. He does not bully, call people names, hit or kick. I am more than positive this child has a form of ADHD or at least mildly. His father is ADHD, from what his mother tells me. Like ADHD, ODD has an effect on a child's nervous system or portion of the brain that controls a child's ability to behave, but it could be caused from different things. According to the Mayo Clinic, oppositional defiant disorder has no known cause, but may be linked to genetics. ODD begins in preschool years and is commonly mistaken for strong willed children. Symptoms of ODD may include easy agitation, loss of control with tempers, constantly arguing with adults or authority, and always expressing anger. Some children observed, have been known to be vindictive or spiteful. These children often think misbehaving is funny. Like both ADHD and ODD, autism has a hand in affecting a child's behavior and nervous system. A child with autism has difficulty with social interaction, changing routines, sensory disorders, and developmental disorders. Children who
The symptoms to look for include negativity in more than one place, and whether the child is developing an abnormal personality. ADHD often has three common causes. The first cause is genetics. Genetics can alter a child's possibility of obtaining ADHD from a parent or possibly both parents. The second cause is from the environment. The more children are exposed to certain things, the more likely they are to develop ADHD. The third cause is development. If the child's nervous system does not develop correctly, they could develop ADHD. In my classroom, I have one child that has a very short attention span, follows lead with kids who misbehave, and has a lot of energy. I can tell him to sit on his square, begin my lesson and him be nowhere in sight, two seconds later. He runs around the classroom, expelling energy, but it is never violent. He does not bully, call people names, hit or kick. I am more than positive this child has a form of ADHD or at least mildly. His father is ADHD, from what his mother tells me. Like ADHD, ODD has an effect on a child's nervous system or portion of the brain that controls a child's ability to behave, but it could be caused from different things. According to the Mayo Clinic, oppositional defiant disorder has no known cause, but may be linked to genetics. ODD begins in preschool years and is commonly mistaken for strong willed children. Symptoms of ODD may include easy agitation, loss of control with tempers, constantly arguing with adults or authority, and always expressing anger. Some children observed, have been known to be vindictive or spiteful. These children often think misbehaving is funny. Like both ADHD and ODD, autism has a hand in affecting a child's behavior and nervous system. A child with autism has difficulty with social interaction, changing routines, sensory disorders, and developmental disorders. Children who