America supposedly is the land of the free, but, per “students from households that earned less than $35,000 – the lowest quarter – represented just 10 percent of all degrees awarded.” Low-income students who excel during their high school years shouldn't struggle to find ways to finance their post-secondary-education. Not everyone should be allowed into a university but, the government should install G.P.A. and standardized test requirements for applicants of public college or universities. Furthermore, states that “just 46 percent of low-income high school graduates enrolled in two-year and four-year institutions,” and this can only be, attributed to financial reasons. Many low-income children want to continue their education after high school, even though they can’t, because they have to, or feel obligated to support their family. If the U.S. government steps in and institutes free, or affordable tuition for pupils, who meet the requirements of the administration, these kids will be encouraged by their friends and family to go to college and gain knowledge for future endeavors. Even if we don’t enact costless schooling, the benefit of lowering the education cost will help increase the percentage of low-income kids who enroll in our colleges and universities. Anya Kamenetz spoke about Hillary Clinton's plan …show more content…
Hobson for wbur 90.9 says, “The Governor of Tennessee Bill Haslam announced that he wants to guarantee 2 free years of community college to every High School Graduate in the state the tuition would be provided regardless of the graduate's financial need or academic merit.” New York also has a form of free tuition with the New York stating “Governor Cuomo’s much-heralded new program for free tuition at state college comes with a huge catch you have to sign years of your life away to get it.” Both plans are flawed but, if other states are trying to enact costless education, they can learn from these states and other countries that offer free learning. Per there are 24 countries that give free tuition to their citizens, and 13 of these countries offer costless schooling to their international students. America has to become more proactive with situations like this because we should’ve been the first country to offer free tuition to our