The importance of Empowerment in Customer Service Management
The importance of Empowerment in Customer Service Management
As mentioned above the very few number of employees at Dubai Judicial Institute, is one of the factors which entails the necessity of implementing “Empowerment”, that’s besides to the Leadership style and management system at the institute which indeed supports this approach.
Dubai Judicial Institute Leadership style is independent it promotes empowerment and development of its employees, for example the training team members of the on field visits accept or decline suggested topics at a particular training course with a complete contentment of the other party, another example is if customer complaints about missing a particular session of a certain program, the front line employee supervising this program has the authority to provide this customer with the materials of that session-videoed, typed…etc- or even enrolling him in a different course, at the customer convenience. We can notice in the previous examples quick response and compensation tactics.
This successful empowerment is achieved because of the:
Training & development of the employees to take immediate decisions when required.
Support teams & members through fall downs to overcome expected discrepancies.
Information accessibility is a point taken care of at the Institute all possible information of articles, procedures…etc, is available internally for the staff and completely easy to access through a shared system.
Friendly working Environment which promotes comfort, security and cooperation rather than competition amongst the employees.
Some literature Views on empowerment:
Empowerment is a process by which we increase the capacity of an individual or group in order to enable them to make choices and to transform their choices into the desired actions.
Rapport (1984) states that employee
References: Cipriano Forza, Rober Filippini, (1998), "TQM Impact on Quality Conformance & Customer Satisfaction Article". AMY K. Smith, Ruth N. Bolton, Janet Wagner, (1999), "A Model of Customer Satisfaction with Service Encounters Involving Failure and Recovery Article" Chris Argyris Harvard business review May–June 1998, “Empowerment: The Emperor’s New Clothes” Conrad Lashley, (1999) "Employee empowerment in services: a framework for analysis" Natasha Calder and P C Douglas 1999 Motivators Inc “Empowered Employee Teams” Rapport J. (1984) Studies in empowerment: Introduction to empowerment, Beacon Press, Boston