Not only has the topic of immigration become important to liberals, it has became a major concern for the conservative party. According to Ramesh Ponnuru of, the South Carolina Republican governor emphasized on the importance of this issue after President Trumps state of the union address last week. She stated that although we should enforce immigration laws we must make immigrants feel welcome to our country. This sparked controversy amongst the Republican Party. It is believed Republican not only are opposed to illegal immigrants because of our laws but because …show more content…
The democratic society believes in the free movement of people, which in conclusion will result in greater prosperity for the world as a whole. According to Peter Hawkins of, immigration is beneficial to the economy which makes it beneficial for the democratic society; Democrats rely on a booming economy for government programs. The liberal view supports opening our borders and taking in refugees with open arms in attempts to help America grow. In recent events with our new president elect Donald J. Trump, Democrats have heightened their support for immigration. With our nation’s history being built on immigrants it is the liberal stand to welcome all those who come through our shores with open arms. Treating immigrants illegal or not; with dignity and respect instead of attacking or penalizing