Robbins and Coulter (2015), management involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so their activities are completed efficiently and effectively. The word ‘management’ can have many different meaning but is management really important? Over the past two hundred years, management has evolved and it is not because of technology revolution but instead, it’s a managerial revolution. It is the managers of enterprises and organisations at all levels who have been responsible for the great burst in progress (Tracy, 2014, p.1) No doubt that in the past years, management was rather traditional. There was the classical approach, behavioural approach in the …show more content…
This gives an advantage in the commercial line. Most customers these days value quality more. They would rather pay more to receive a well designed and innovative product than a not so well developed but cheap product or service. Not only that, innovation do attract better staff member. With good and creative staff members, a company or a firm can grow so much more than a company that does not prioritise innovation. This does not only benefit the staff members but it also benefits the organisation and build trust within the employees. To have an innovative organisation, managers can restructure their organisation or set up new culture in the organisation. Managers must also provide clear roles to their employees and improve strategies. It is very important to provide training and the right tools and equipment as this will motivate the employees. An organisation can also emphasise on research on the new trends and