Physical and health education is a significant aspect of a wholesome education around the world. Ministries of education all over the globe incorporate physical and health education into its curriculum. This clearly indicates that both physical and health education are key aspects in the development of an individual. Physical education is defined as a course of education learning that in a encourages play or psychomotor movement exploration setting. It includes training and maintaining physical fitness.
Physical education is also about sharpening overall cognitive abilities and motor skills via athletics, exercise and various other physical activities like martial arts and dance. Physical education in schools aims to help students become physically active through involvement in physical activity and fitness. The objectives of learning physical education are to enhance and sustain the fitness of an individual based on health and motor learning. Besides that, an individual will attain the basic skills in movement and games based on his or her ability. In addition to that, physical education encourages an individual to engage in exercises and physical activities on a daily routine basis. Physical education also encompasses health and safety procedures. As such, an individual will be able to apply the said knowledge in the various physical activities that he or she is involved in. Physical activity also inculcates self-discipline and builds personality as well as helps an individual to make wise decisions in life. The said objective of physical education then brings forth a myriad of benefits to an individual. Among the many benefits of physical education are as follows:
Physical education highlights the importance of preserving ones physical fitness. With the knowledge of physical education, an individual is more aware on how to lead a healthy lifestyle through a regular
Bibliography: B, J. (n.d.). Benefits of Public Health Education. Retrieved December 2011, from Ezine @rticles: Manohar, U. (2011). of Physical Education. Retrieved December 2011, from Intelligent Life on The Web: Nutbeam, D. (2000). Health literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st century. Oxford Journals, 259-267. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2011, from Syme, S. L., & Ritterman, M. L. (2009). The Importance of Community Development For Health and Well-Being. Community Development INVESTMENT REVIEW. Unknown. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2011, from Unknown. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2011, from Unknown. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2011, from Basic Physical Education, Health and Co-Curriculum Notes provided by Mr. Hamidi.