Greece gave us many things Olympic theater, advancements in science, art, great works of literature, amazing architecture, mathematics, and our first democratic government.…
To what extent was Themistocles’ contribution the key factor in bringing about a Greek victory in the Persian Wars, 480-479 BC?…
A: Geography effects the Greek and Roman civilizations because Greece is very mountainous. It has high elevation with valleys. The Greeks were separated by its geography and made into city-states. These cities are independent because the mountains made it hard to move to different cities. Then the Greeks learned a new type of government through the city-states. This new form of politics was called democracy and it meant that the civilians themselves are the governments. The new government the Greeks discovered is very different from other cultures government.…
1: In classical Greek civilization, people interacted with the environment. People used the Mediterranean basin in many different ways. One reason was for irrigation, which produced fertile soil throughout the land and made agriculture great in this society. Some of the plants they grew were olives and grapes. These were soon turned into olive oil and wine, which was a very popular item to trade. This basin was also used as a travel route, which did spread cultures around the areas.…
The mountains played a big part in the history of Greece. As an example is that ¾ of Greece was covered in mountains which meant transportation on land was very hard. This affected the Greeks because it made it very hard to trade and it also meant that lots of city-states were very independent or decentralized. Since it was hard getting around on land they went by sea. The sea was an important feature of Greece. Many seas surround Greece as ¼ of Greece is water. Even though they never traveled 85 miles from the cost, they traveled by sea to get to other societies. Also because mountains covered most of Greece, only 20% of Greece had suitable farmland. This meant that they could not support a large population. They as well only had very little fresh water and so they moved a lot so that they could find more land to live on. In the end, they were heavily relied on trading to get their resources that they needed daily. As a result Greeks were able to face these challenges straight on. The people of Greece were able to find other routes of transportation, find another way to get resources, and be able to travel on water and solved all of these challenges with…
Greece fell because they were poor that their finances were very low to fight, and moreover their finances were very low to take precautions against any attacks of their enemies. Demosthenes intuited that there might be a Persian attack, and so he warned the Athenians to take precautions against this threat, but it was a false alarm, although he suggested the Athenians to raise money for navy. The other reason why Greece fell is about their Social Wars in them that they were fighting against the rebels. The reasons of these rebels might be a cause of economic depression in Athens. Although the Athens declared a war against the Macedonians, they could not even fight well, and it ended up with the Peace of Philocrates in 346. Overall, Greece fell because they had economic depression or struggles, and the Social Wars.…
Athens had lost their entire empire, and title for being the most powerful city-state in Ancient Greece. Athens even had lost their own farmland, after being taken over by Sparta. Worst of all, Athens had lost their navy fleets. Although, Sparta had some changing affects also. They had gained many enemies from other city-states, and lost leading power. Sparta eventually fought with Persia for many years after. In all, Greece’s city-states lost all trust with one another. The economy was weakened and lots of people ended up in poverty. Most of all, Greece lost their peace and harmony, and all was left was tragic ruins from the Peloponnesian War.…
The ancient societies of Greece and China each produced a civilization remarkable for its time. Although these civilizations emerged nearly one thousand years apart, their philosophies were completely different, had various forms of governance, and had unique economic classes.…
1. The geography of Greece shaped Greece in many ways. Since Greece was surrounded by seas (Mediterranean, Black Sea). Greece traded and sailed on seas in boats. The Grecians lived by the sea so it was much easier to get sea food and their meals usually included anything they could catch in the water.…
Ancient Greek civilizations originated in 2000 B.C. and lasted to about 300 B.C. their culture still impacts Western civilization. Also Greeks spread their ideas all over the world. They contributed significantly with the ideas of geometry, philosophy, government, sporting events, architecture, sculpture, drama, and more. All of this came about and reached new heights during Greece’s “Golden Age”. This age lasted for about 50 years. Today all of our lives are greatly affected and influenced from the lives of Greeks.…
The Greek Civilization lasted from 1900 – 133 BC, but the affect it had on the Western world is still here today. As Greeks conquered other empires and build more and more territory for them, they spread and received their ideas from other cultures. During these times, the Greeks made many long lasting contributions in the areas of art, architecture, philosophy, math, drama, government, medicine, and science. This is why many of the foundations of Western civilization can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. The sharing of their ideas, inventions, and contributions had a massive influence on the future of many civilizations.…
Ancient Greece was an ancient civilization belonging to a period of Greek history. Immediately following this period was the beginning of the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine era. Byzantine means of or relating to Byzantium, the Byzantine Empire. Classical Greek culture, especially philosophy, had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire. The territory of Greece is mountains, and as a result, ancient Greece consisted of many smaller regions each. Regional conflicts were a prominent feature…
The ancient Greeks are known as a self aware people. No other culture in western civilization history was quite as introspective as the Greeks. They prided themselves as the most civilized society in the world. In fact the term “barbarian” basically meant non Greek. The development of Greek civilization rises from the ashes of the ancient Mycenaean and Minion cultures. From After the decline and eventual fall of the Mycenaean culture in 1100 BCE, the Aegean Islands would experience a “dark age” period for about 200 – 300 years. By 800 BCE Greece would begin to show growth and stability in their government, economy and culture. This period is referred to as the Homeric Age. The writer Homer would write the stories of prehistoric Greek history (If you have not had to read The Iliad or The Odyssey in your academic career thus far, just wait, it is coming.) It is the Greek culture that would be the basis for western cultures for art, architecture, music, theater, philosophy, literature and politics.…
The Greek military was strong and protected Greece from other civilizations like the Persians. Greek had good strategies in warfare.Greek was not only successful from good strategies but also their advanced armor. Greek soldiers fought with bronze, the most advanced material at the time. Greece became successful with their teamwork and war heroes. With these strategies of war the Greeks were successful and held a long lasting…
If, gentlemen of the jury, you will turn over in your minds the question what is the difference between being a slave and being a free man, you will find that the biggest difference is that the body of a slave is made responsible for all his misdeeds, whereas corporal punishment is the last penalty to inflict on a free man.…