The Video clip portrays that Andrew Jackson is at fault because he is presented as a determined man who abused his power as the president to remove a group without caring about them. Andrew Jackson vetoed more bills than any …show more content…
He thinks of this act as lucky towards the Natives, and all they have to do is arrive at their new homes. According to Andrew Jackson’s State of the Union Address to congress, “Congress’s kind policy of indian removal has almost been achieved.” Andrew Jackson is describing the act like it’s the nicest thing Congress could do regarding the Natives. Andrew Jackson thinks that this policy is fair and peaceful. Jackson makes the rhetorical question ”How can it be cruel?” He views the act as if there is nothing bad about it and he can’t see a reason why it’s cruel or unfair. It benefited the United States in his opinion and showed how strong our country is. The Address also states that, “To save the red men from utter annihilation, the government kindly offers him a new home, and proposes to pay the the whole expenses of his removal and settlement.” He makes this seem like congress is doing the “dirty work” for them and all they have to do is settle into their new homes easy peasy. The Natives should be happy and thankful that Congress is protecting them and paying all of their expenses for them to be safe. Therefore, Andrew Jackson thinks the Indian Removal Act was a kind, generous, fair and peaceful act from …show more content…
The suffering and poor conditions of these Natives are so dreadful that he has sympathy for them. The Soldier also mentions, “She rode thinly clad through a blinding sleet and snow storm, developed pneumonia and died in the still hours of a bleak winter night.” He thinks that this behavior is unacceptable and poor treatment. Before he walked upon this Trail of Tears, everyone thought this was the right thing to do, peaceful and fair. These harsh conditions are killing the people we are trying to protect. In conclusion, the soldier's perspective of the Trail of Tears is dreadful, harsh and devastating due to the poor conditions these helpless Natives had to