Василенко Дарья
Жезказганский университет им. О.А. Байконурова
Every living language changes through time. It is natural that no records of linguistic changes have ever been kept, as most changes pass unnoticed by contemporaries. The history of the English language has been reconstructed on the basis of written records of different periods. The earliest extant written texts in English are dated in the 7th century; the earliest records in other Germanic languages go back to the 3rd or 4th century. The development of English, however, began a long before it was first recoded. In order to say where the English language came from, to what languages it is related, when and how it has acquired its specific features, one must get acquainted with some facts of the prewritten history of the Germanic group. [1;12] One can distinguish three main types of difference in any language: geographical, social and temporal. Linguistic change imply temporal difference, which become apparent if the same elements or parts of the language are compared at successive historical stages; there are transformations of the same units in time which can be registered as distinct steps in their evolution. For instance, the OE form the Past tense pl Ind. Mood of the verb to find –fundon [/fundon] became founden [/fu:nden] The concept of linguistic change is not limited to internal, structural changes. Most linguistic changes involve some kind of substitution and can therefore be called replacement. Linguistic changes classified into different types of replacement, namely split and mergers ,can also be described in terms of oppositions, which is widely recognized method of scientific linguistic analysis.[1;16-17] A comprehensive analysis of the current state of lexical system is impossible without the knowledge of the history of its development and
References: 1)T.A.Rastorguyeva A History of English.Москва Высшая школа 1983-345 p. 2) Smirnitsky A.I. Lexicology of the English language. M: 2000. -260C. 3) Reznik Z.V.,T.A. and Sorokin, Reznik I.V. The History of English language Москава Издательство «Флинта»,издательство «Наука»2001-496p. 4)E.Haugen borrowing process New in Linguistics (Moscow:Progress) Publishers, 1985- 250 5) Kunin A.V. Phraseology of modern English: Textbook for institutes and faculties Foreign Languages - Moscow: Higher School, 1986. - 336.