The internet is a worldwide way to exchange information and communicate with others through a series of interconnected computers. Day by day we see ourselves changing due to new technological advances. The internet makes our technology more exciting and more interesting. With the use of the internet now available on mobile and home phones, tablets, gaming consoles, digital televisions, laptops, notebooks and pcs we are turning to the internet more than ever. Many people say ‘the internet has changed the world’ and I agree with them now more than ever.
Prior to the internet and still today we have problems storing data because our hard drives can only hold so much data. Instead of storing information to our computer’s hard drive or another local storage device the internet has given us the option to save data to a remote database as it provides the connection between the database and our computers. Cloud Storage lets you access your data everywhere, this saves time and money. Cloud storage is available 24hrs and you can share your data with numerous people. Cloud data has made accessing information on the go considerably easier and quicker than previous methods
The internet has changed the way we send mail dramatically. We no longer need to write a letter, send it via mail and wait for a reply. We can now send Electronic mail, also known as e-mail. We just log on to websites such as Hotmail, type up the letter, hit send and the receiver instantly receives the email. Businesses have also started using email so they can get faster responses to the matter at hand. Although many people like to receive a hand written letter, most people now choose to use their e-mail for the convenience and speed it provides.
Meeting new people has changed since the invention of the internet, chat rooms and social networking sites have changed the way we communicate. We no longer have to leave the house to meet new people as we can do so in
Bibliography: Books • Cyber Criminology: Exploring internet Crime and Criminal Behaviour – K. Jaishankar. Websites • • – • • “The Internet Changed Everything” E-Marketing Georgina Engelen