Two sets of legislation: federal and provincial. Federal laws apply to everyone who resides in Canada. For example, everyone must pay income taxes. And the other laws are handled at the provincial level. For example, the provinces are responsible for determining who can get a driver’s licence.
Most employers and their employees in Canada fall under the jurisdiction of the provincial labour legislation in their province. The federal Labour Program oversees the "federally regulated" sector of the labour force. This is approximately only 10% of the labour force. The rest of the labour force falls under provincial jurisdiction. Such as banks, airlines, railway companies, and communications companies. For example, like CIBC(Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce), Air Canada , CN Rail (Canadian National Railway),Bell.
For companies, two basic of federal employment laws: the Canada Labour Code and Canadian Human Rights Act. The Labour Code covers employment conditions, labour relations, and health and safety. The Canadian Human Rights Act applies to all federal government departments and agencies, grown corporations, and industries under federal jurisdiction.
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act is a Canadian law relating to data privacy. It governs how private sector organizations collect, use and disclose personal information in the course of commercial business. In addition, the Act contains various provisions to facilitate the use of electronic documents.
Provincial Employment Legislation, is Similar to federal legislation that provides certain rights and guarantees. The similar place is the health and safety of workers are also covered by provincial legislation. In addition, the Provincial Employment Legislation covers human rights and unionized