1.1 list the aspects of employment covered by law
* Minimum wage
* Hours worked (working time directive) (WTD)
* Discrimination
* Health and safety
* Holiday entitlements
* Redundancy and dismissal
* Training
* Disciplinary procedures
* Union rights and consultation, etc. these apply to all Work environments. . Labour law covers the deal between employee and employer. Health and safety laws cover the work conditions, and minimum wage and other laws set basic compensation levels
Human rights law
The rights contained in the Human Rights Act are:
• The right to life
• The right not to be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way • The right to be free from slavery or forced labour
• The right to liberty
• The right to a fair trial
• The right to no punishment without law
• The right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence • The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
• The right to freedom of expression
• The right to freedom of assembly and association
• The right to marry and found a family
• The right not to be discriminated against in relation to any of the rights contained in the European Convention
• The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions
• The right to education
• The right to free elections
The Human Rights Act 1998
1.2 list the main features of current employment legislation
Wages, holiday pay, contract, health and safety, disciplinary procedures, hours of work, work breaks
1.3 outline why legislation relating to employment exists to protect the right of employers and employees by providing rules and regulations that must be followed 1.4 identify sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights contract handbook policy documents terms and
References: FindlawUK. (2012). Personal data. Retrieved May 15, 2013, from findlaw.co.uk: http://www.findlaw.co.uk/law/employment/other_employment_law_topics/8374.html