Is the school leaving age changing?
A law was passed by the New South Wales Parliament in May 2009 to increase the school leaving age from 15 years of age in 2009 to 17 years of age. This law operates from 1 January 2010.
Leaving age aims
Why has the government increased the minimum school leaving age?
The minimum school leaving age is being raised to ensure that school-leavers have the opportunity to maximise their preparation for further education or training or employment.
There is compelling Australian and international research which demonstrates that people with higher levels of schooling are more likely to make a successful transition to further education, training, or work.
Early school-leavers are also two and a half times more likely to be unemployed, earn lower wages and have poorer quality of life outcomes. Those who do not leave school early generally enjoy enhanced life choices and better economic and social outcomes, the research shows.
Is the school leaving age changing in other states?
All states and territories in Australia are making similar changes to make sure that young people stay at school longer and gain skills to help them in their future lives.
Student choices
What choices do young people have to meet the requirements of the new law?
Students must stay at school until they complete Year 10. A participation phase then applies until the young person reaches the age of 17. There are a number of options for the participation phase. They could be: * at secondary school or continuing home schooling * undertaking a training course at TAFE NSW * undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship * enrolled in a training course with a private training organisation, or * in some combination of the above.
What if the young person has a job?
Full-time paid employment for 25 hours or more a week is a recognised alternative after the completion of Year 10, provided the young person is aged at