The story of “The Lightning Thief” takes place in the modern USA from Las Vegas to New York. The main characters in the book are Percy Jackson the son of Poseidon; Annabeth the daughter of Athena and Grover the satyr that protects Percy Jackson and also Luke Castellan the best friend of Annabeth and friends with Percy and Grover these characters will do anything to for fill their quests. In “The Lightning Thief” there are a lot of minor characters but the big ones are Gabe who is Percy Jacksons step dad
The story of “The Lightning Thief” takes place in the modern USA from Las Vegas to New York. The main characters in the book are Percy Jackson the son of Poseidon; Annabeth the daughter of Athena and Grover the satyr that protects Percy Jackson and also Luke Castellan the best friend of Annabeth and friends with Percy and Grover these characters will do anything to for fill their quests. In “The Lightning Thief” there are a lot of minor characters but the big ones are Gabe who is Percy Jacksons step dad