Sometimes to feel one’s pain, one must put themselves in their shoes and see the world through their eyes. Personal observations or experiences can help a reader better understand an argument and sometimes help relate the writing to the readers own life. Christina Boufis and Barbara Ehrenreich both use personal observations and factual data to write their reports. In my opinion I believe the use of personal observation/or experience really helped both of these author’s in writing their reports. The use of factual information is always important when writing to convince an audience but using one’s own personal experience in the mix helps a reader relate to the story, keeps the reader interested, enriches and deepens the experience for the reader. Therefore I will write throughout this essay on how both author’s personal observation helped strengthen their writings.…
Using support from your research materials, identify and explain any political, social, economic, or cultural issues that may shape the story.…
Think of the overall effect you would like your narrative to have on the reader. How will you create that effect? Brainstorm ways to establish voice.…
In Chimamanda Ngozi’s TED Talk, “The Danger of a Single Story”, she addresses the negative impact of only knowing a single story about a given topic. She discusses how she was looked upon with pity due to her African background. In many English literature pieces, Africa is the charity case. People only knew the single story about Africa. A story of illness and poverty. In her talk she also pointed out the root of many single stories: children literature. She grew up reading stories with characters that are white and blue eyed, finding herself believing the single story she knew about America and Britain.…
In the short story "local Heroes" by Scott Westcott informs readers about how Brad Ray and his family saved the life of the owner of Kathy's Korner restaurant in a horrific car accident. Due to their brave actions, Brad and his family received certificates of heroism and recognition from the city of Fostoria and the wood country sheriff department. The story begins with Brad and his children going to pick up their mom from work. As they made a sharp turn around a curve, brad, and his children heard a loud bang and came to a horrific car accident. The driver of the black sedan was sitting on the side of the road whiles his car was in flames. He informs Brad, Gabby and Austyn about another guy in the flaming car. Brad and his children walked towards…
When a story is told from first-person point of view, the author fades away into one of the characters. The character telling the story may be major or minor, protagonist or observer. The position from which the story is told makes a considerable difference on the thoughts of the reader. Through the use of first person point of view, authors Alice Munro and William Faulkner achieve contrasting effects.…
CONTEXT: A text from the same author, students will be encouraged to make connections between the style of writing and the fictional story being told…
Social imagination, “individual problems are to social problems, what is happening outside of one’s personal control. This relationship between individual experiences and public issues is the sociological imagination” (Our Social World Pg9). The book that we read “Gang Leader for a Day” by Sudhir Vankatesh clearly illustrates the sociological imagination. In the early part of the book we see Vankatesh trying to give surveys to a gang to try to understand how they feel about their lives in poverty. The rest of society sees Gang Members as a problem because of the drug trafficking and other illegal activities. When Vankatesh continues to interact with the gang we start to see things from the outside looking in. These…
going on in the story. However, this point of view does not allow the reader to see the…
1. Consider the writer's decision regarding narrative point of view. Why do you think she chose this point of view over other possibilities? Comment on the problem her choice creates for the realism of the story's end.…
This paper was prepared for English 160, College Writing, Module 8 Homework Assignment taught by Instructor Daryl Morazzini…
The subject English and me have always had a love hate relationship. I love writing when I can write about stories and not write stories, but this year I learned that writing stories isn’t that bad. I am much more open to writing about myself than I was before I began this course. At first it was very difficult for me to put words on papers because most of the prompts had to be personal stories. It was something that I struggled with mainly because I am more reserved and expressing myself isn’t very easy. I feel that writing it was even more difficult simply because I had to make sure I was giving the message I wanted. It is very hard to connect with the audience especially on more personal topics. I was able to overcome this obstacle by using…
There is an old saying, “that there are always two sides to every story,” and this holds true regarding the study of English and History. Throughout my college experience I have found that the information in history textbooks is generally told from a political or outside, after the fact, perspective. Granted, some history classes offer up more personal texts, like that of W.E.B. DuBois’ Souls of Black Fold in History 3393: African American History. However, historical texts still maintain a certain factual tone and/or include statistical data regardless of any personal relevance to the author’s life. English and literature courses present characters and their stories for a reader to become invested in, all while being set in or taking place…
What I was attempting to write was me surviving in a community that I am sometimes not accepted in. In my narrative, I described a particular event that happened in a specific community where I was treated differently from the people around me. I think that the teacher wanted me to analyze different ideas to show differences between discourse communities. What I struggled with the most with was showing rather than telling in my narrative. Adding details and scenery to the story is something I found challenging because I am not good at describing things. I tried to show rather than tell and I added more details but I found this as a struggle because I didn’t know what language to use to describe my surroundings. My favorite sentences in my narrative are “His gaze was burning through my flesh, creating a sensation of sweat and heat. My friends and I tried walking quickly to lose the trail of the security guard but he barely…
Narrative Essay All of us tell stories about things that have happened to us. Have you ever been "almost" hit by another car and then you rushed home to relate this story to your husband or wife? Have you ever had a bizarre experience, such as being mistaken for someone else? Or perhaps you were wrongfully accused of shoplifting one time. Did you ever help someone in a time of need or vice-a-versa? You probably told these stories to someone, didn't you? Many events happen in our lives that we brush off as insignificant. However, if we really analyzed some of those incidents, we might find that they actually have some significance and are worth putting down on paper. Thus, you could write a narrative, which gives an account of something or…