After the transformation Grete is the only one who seems to have the decency to even feed Gregor, “And out of a sense of delicacy, since she knew that Gregor would not eat in front of her, she left hurriedly and even turned the key, just so that Gregor should know that he might make himself as comfortable as he wanted” (26). Throughout the novel the family’s situation grows worse and they are heavily burdened by Gregor, Grete accepts the more realistic view of putting her own needs above that of Gregor’s, she cannot move forward if she continues to focus her life on helping Gregor, “It has to go, that’s the only answer” (57). She undergoes a realistic transformation as she grows more burdened by Gregor, while the fact lingers that her brother is still a bug. She grows through the struggles bought along by Gregor and becomes a full grown woman by the end as she accepts that the best way to move forward is Gregor’s death. Magical Realism’s essential elements include conventionally realistic themes in a story that combines fairy tales with the everyday, and the theme of growth through struggle is seen in The Metamorphosis through Grete’s changes which occur after the titular, fairy tale like
After the transformation Grete is the only one who seems to have the decency to even feed Gregor, “And out of a sense of delicacy, since she knew that Gregor would not eat in front of her, she left hurriedly and even turned the key, just so that Gregor should know that he might make himself as comfortable as he wanted” (26). Throughout the novel the family’s situation grows worse and they are heavily burdened by Gregor, Grete accepts the more realistic view of putting her own needs above that of Gregor’s, she cannot move forward if she continues to focus her life on helping Gregor, “It has to go, that’s the only answer” (57). She undergoes a realistic transformation as she grows more burdened by Gregor, while the fact lingers that her brother is still a bug. She grows through the struggles bought along by Gregor and becomes a full grown woman by the end as she accepts that the best way to move forward is Gregor’s death. Magical Realism’s essential elements include conventionally realistic themes in a story that combines fairy tales with the everyday, and the theme of growth through struggle is seen in The Metamorphosis through Grete’s changes which occur after the titular, fairy tale like