Over the years, my parents have worked day and night to support me and my brother. They would work even harder if we asked for a simple toy that was tossed aside the next day. Looking at what I did when I was little, makes me feel bad because of the burden that I have caused for my parents. When I apologize to my parents for the hard work, they say ?it is all for the best. The fruits have to be nourished, only to become ripe, and then in turn, nourish the gardener.? I think that is true and only I can take what they give me, and become the fullest person that I can become.
Over the years, my parents have worked day and night to support me and my brother. They would work even harder if we asked for a simple toy that was tossed aside the next day. Looking at what I did when I was little, makes me feel bad because of the burden that I have caused for my parents. When I apologize to my parents for the hard work, they say ?it is all for the best. The fruits have to be nourished, only to become ripe, and then in turn, nourish the gardener.? I think that is true and only I can take what they give me, and become the fullest person that I can become.