“My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there” -Charles F. Kettering- This time of the year high school seniors are making the biggest decision for their future, what path they will be taking for the next year. Some choose college, others the military, few people chose to take a leap year to take a break from school or travel and see the world. My choice is college. Although I have considered the military I believe that college will be best path for me to take. Looking at many different schools has made it hard for to decide what to do next year but I believe that I have finally come to a decision on where I can see myself for the coming years. I would like to attend ICC for a year and take my general education courses at a cheaper rate, after a year at ICC I would like to transfer to either the University of Tennessee or Illinois State University to study physical therapy.
Although most do not agree that ICC is a wise choice I believe it would be best for me because I am not positive of what four-year school I want to go yet and financially it would be a smart choice even just for a year. Attending ICC for a year would give me the chance to really decide where I want to go to study physical therapy. I am very indecisive on what university I would like to attend next year and I think a year at ICC would give me the chance to decide where I really see myself going instead of making a choice that I am unsure of and would regret soon after. Peoria Promise is a program that was designed to provide funding to students who have attended at least four years of Peoria public school (Peoria Promise).Through Peoria Promise I could attend ICC for an estimated $500 a semester, $1500 including books for the year I would like to spend at ICC versus the possible $20,000 I would spend anywhere else. If I attended ICC for a year I could still have a job at the YMCA and work almost 30 hours a week which would help