Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions…
This saying, quoted by Mustapha Mond, instructs his citizens to disregard the painful lessons of history and to ignore the past in order to focus on future progress. Society disregards history because if people understood what came before, they might not less willing to put their trust in science and progress. History is "bunk," as Mond says, because it revolves around human frailties and emotions such as love, anger, vengeance, and temptation. Such things are no longer part of the human experience and, according to Mond, have no place in a society built around maximizing…
One is to not be resentful toward people who are better than you. The second is that you should always respect people.…
“No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future”- Umar Ibn Khattab…
‘Do not dwell anymore on things in the past that you cannot change,’ p. 162.…
What happened in our past we cannot change, and it is from our past that gives…
It is all about honouring people, or yourself, for their/your wisdom, actions, and status. Respect boosts productivity and collaboration, which helps others, and yourself, thrive in life. In conclusion, the Seven Grandfather Teaching that is most important to me is respect because it builds healthy relationships, shows gratitude for others, and lastly, without respect, our world would be chaos. Respect is a vital component of healthy relationships. People will disagree and agree, but they should always maintain respect for one another.…
Never to whine; to accept what came; to wait for better; to take what you could; to let no-one not even yourself know how near to giving in you were.…
One’s events depends on the surrounding he or she is in Whether positive or negative, people remember major occurrences in their life which can shape who they are. There is only so much one can change about one’s self. To many, life encounters have become both good and bad scars. This behavior can change one’s perspective on life, but cannot change one’s experiences. These scars that people educe are mentally and emotionally embodied into who they are. Though people try to hide the scars they posses, they will always have something, such as their parents, that will constantly reinforce those lessons that they have endured. One can change anything about themselves, besides their authentic…
Too often, we got so wrapped up in the problems, tensions and worries of the moment that we forget about the big picture. Dwelling on the negativity of the moment, we lose sight of our past achievements and the array of personal talents that produced them. The author told us we need only to jog our memory to recall our past accomplishments,…
The first chapter deals with how to handle people successfully. In this chapter it highlights one of the most important things you can do when dealing with people and their particular situation is to rationalize with them, meaning that to better understand were the person is coming from you must put yourself in their shoes. Every one can and will rationalize why they make the decisions they make. People like the infamous Al Capone never thought he was a bad person. He had rationalized the actions he took and the decisions he made. This is a good example to lead into the first principle, which is that no one should ever critize, complain, or condemn other people. Principe two suggests that you always give people or sincere appreciation. You shouldn't sit and think about your own individual accomplishments and successes, but compliment others on their successes. The most important thing that others can give is their genuine appreciation. That is the key to getting what you want, threatening people by force or harsh words, but to get others to do what you want is to give them what they want; appreciation for their deeds. Principle three explains that most people do not care what you want. They care mostly for themselves and are not really interested in what you want. The key is to expose them on how what you want will also benefit them; it establishes…
Do on to others, as you would want them to do to you. I think this basic principle or saying is very powerful. If everybody abided by it the world would not have as many problems as it does now. For example people wouldn’t steal because they wouldn’t want their possessions to be stolen or robbed. People wouldn’t kill each other because they wouldn’t want to be killed themselves. This is a saying my parents always drilled into my head ever since I was a few years old and it stuck with me all these years. I try to respect everybody because I like to be respected back. This is the second trait I would like others to remember me…
For example, while growing up I remember not being able to trust people. I always saw people do different than what they said and never kept their promises. This brought me a great deal of trust issues. After the feelings of betrayal and hopelessness my behavior began to change, I became more conservative, lonely, and doubtful of people. Any events that are traumatic enough can trigger the time perspective our mind focuses on, and of course our attitude. Past negative people will remember the most negative and traumatic events they lived in the past and tend to dwell on them for their entire life. Meaning, they will always remember feelings of trauma, failure and frustration. Fearing they will experience the same circumstance past negative people become conservative and focused. Being high past negative also has a positive side, Dr. Zimbardo states that past negative person has a sense of personal continuity or a stable sense of self…
My grandmother taught me how important it is to tolerate people and certain situations. She told me showing people respect will get you a long way in life, as well as seeking help in hard times and facing problems instead of running away from them. Because of this, I try to see the good in people and over look the bad. When I have a problem I think of ways to solve it. When I cannot find a solution I ask for help before things get worse.…
The courtesy that we as human beings know of, is what makes us somewhat respectful. Of…