Executive orders allow the president to make any decisions independently and immediately, especially when he or she is out of the country for international conferences. As a chief executive with the executive orders, the president's involvement in making foreign policy is extremely significant. Another important power of the president is war power. The Constitution assigns the president to be Commander-In-Chief of the armed force and navy of the U.S. Based on this power, the president has full control over military and is able to determine the military strategy as well as orders troops when in need without consulting Congress. For instance, according to the book Understanding the U.S Government, the author writes that "President Johnson reviewed and approved bombing runs throughout the Vietnam War." It is obvious that as a commander in chief, the president can fully direct the army. Similarly, diplomatic power is also a necessary factor to assert the right of the president in making foreign
Executive orders allow the president to make any decisions independently and immediately, especially when he or she is out of the country for international conferences. As a chief executive with the executive orders, the president's involvement in making foreign policy is extremely significant. Another important power of the president is war power. The Constitution assigns the president to be Commander-In-Chief of the armed force and navy of the U.S. Based on this power, the president has full control over military and is able to determine the military strategy as well as orders troops when in need without consulting Congress. For instance, according to the book Understanding the U.S Government, the author writes that "President Johnson reviewed and approved bombing runs throughout the Vietnam War." It is obvious that as a commander in chief, the president can fully direct the army. Similarly, diplomatic power is also a necessary factor to assert the right of the president in making foreign