Distance learning is a process of creating and provides access to learning when the source of information and the learner are separate by distance and time. Green Berg (1998) defines contemporary distance learning as “a planned teaching/learning experience that uses a wide spectrum of technologies to reach learners at a distance and is designed to encourage learner interaction and certification of learning. Desmond Keegan (1995) gives the most through definition. He says that distance education and training result from the technological separation of teacher and learner which frees the student from the necessity of traveling to “a fixed place, at a fixed time, to meet a fixed person, in order to be trained”. From these two definitions we can define some problem between teacher and student at the beginning distance learning .These problem include the quality of instruction, hidden costs, misuse of technology and the attitudes of instructors, student, and administrators.
The Problems and Solutions
Facing with some problems beginning online learner is a normal for a new distance learner .The first problem faced by most of the Open and Distance learner is in balancing the combination of work, education and families. Most of Open and Distance education student are already have jobs and families. They already have many responsibilities intimidating. The task of balancing all the responsibility is the truly challenging for the most distance learner. In distance education, learners are usually isolated from peers and tutors. They motivating themselves as well as maintaining and increasing self-esteem must continuously. Lack of immediate support from teachers, friends and members of family will also affect the learners.
The second main problem is attitude of the distance learner themselves, most of them are already away from education environment for a long time besides getting older and their concentration is
References: Barbara, R. (2009). Online Learning Problems. Online. Available: www. www.ehow.