In Japan, there is a custom of using the RPS game as method you decide the order of something. When you decide a person to do thing nobody wants to do, the RPS game is done. Based on my experience, some people lose the RPS game many times. The author …show more content…
This experiment was carried out to examine which symbol players displayed at first game, and which symbols winners and losers chose after each round. Each participant had a one-on-one battle of the RPS game with the author. The game continued until either a participant or the author wins it, and this was counted as one round. It was performed five rounds per person. At each trial, participants were prompted to display Rock, Paper or Scissors, following the signal “Jan ken pon !” by the author. Moreover, each player had at most 5 seconds in one round to make a choice among the three candidate actions. A total number of 70 people between the ages of 10 and 50 volunteered to this experiment to play the RPS game, and the male to female sex ratio of test participants was approximately 1:1. The total number of the result of the game was also 350 rounds in accordance with the way to play the game. However, the date of three symbols the author displayed in this experiment was rejected to raise the authenticity of the research