Narcissism was found to be a highly heritable trait, which can manifest early in life. It is implied that an environment can weaken or strengthen a person’s personality traits, whereas parenting styles of relationships, social and cultural environment could also encourage or discourage the development of narcissism. Parents that raise narcissists usually present them to a world of competition where they have to be the best. This presents a mindset to their child, who could later become a narcissist if they continue to have this
Narcissism was found to be a highly heritable trait, which can manifest early in life. It is implied that an environment can weaken or strengthen a person’s personality traits, whereas parenting styles of relationships, social and cultural environment could also encourage or discourage the development of narcissism. Parents that raise narcissists usually present them to a world of competition where they have to be the best. This presents a mindset to their child, who could later become a narcissist if they continue to have this