reproductive pattern, as the males will court the females after den emergence, when the gonads have not developed and are not producing gametes or sex steroid hormones2. At this stage in reproduction in males, the gonads are primarily composed of spermatocytes3. The pineal gland in red-sided garter snakes is directly correlated with reproduction. This is because the pineal gland transduces information about the photoperiod and seasonal information into a neuroendocrine reproductive response
reproductive pattern, as the males will court the females after den emergence, when the gonads have not developed and are not producing gametes or sex steroid hormones2. At this stage in reproduction in males, the gonads are primarily composed of spermatocytes3. The pineal gland in red-sided garter snakes is directly correlated with reproduction. This is because the pineal gland transduces information about the photoperiod and seasonal information into a neuroendocrine reproductive response